Character list

Here's a list of most of the characters in Denver Cereal. You can help make this list better. Is one missing? Something amiss? Send us an email and let us know. Thanks for helping and thanks for reading.
Aaron Alvin: Father of Ava; also called “The spider” by Yvonne Smith.
Abi the Fairy: General in Fairy Corps; great-grandmother of Tanesha; Fin’s partner; First mother
Aden Norsen: CEO at Lipson construction; single father of Nash and Noelle; husband of Sandy.
Alma Fontaine: Mother of Heather Lipson; Psyche.
Alexandra Hargreaves: Identical twin to Max Hargreaves; ‘The Fey;’ the leader of the Fey Team; wife of Dr. John Drayson; sister to Colin and Samantha Hargreaves.
Anjelika: Megan, Mike, Steve, Candy, and Jill’s mother; infact-toddler teacher at Marlowe School; wife of Perses.
Andrea Menendez or Andy Mendy: Mother of Sandy; Seth’s love & lover from the time he was 14 until he lost her when he was 30.
Annette: Reality television star; mother to Jabari; Jeraine Wilson’s ex.
Arthur “Raz” Rasmussen: Member of the Fey team; boyfriend of Samantha Hargreaves.
Ava — Amelie Vivian Alvin: Denver Police Crime Lab Technician; wife of Seth O’Malley; daughter of Aaron Alvin.
Ben Red Bear, Detective: Denver Police Detective in charge of investigation of rapes; involved in the distribution of child pornography; murderer of Sandy’s mother.
Bestat Behur: Partner to Zack Jakkman; stepmother to Teddy; dragon.
Beth Baker: Ava’s best friend; Child Psychologist; murdered by Saint Jude.
Blane Lipson: Jacob’s cousin; assistant to Jacob Marlowe at Lipson Construction; Chinese Medicine doctor; husband of Heather; father of Mack and Wyn; bone marrow transplant ended his HIV infection.
Bree or Briana Lipson: Stepchild of Sam Lipson; sister of Honey Lipson-Scully.
Becky Lipson: Stepchild of Sam Lipson; sister of Honey Lipson-Scully.
Bumpy Wilson: Good friend of Seth’s; medical doctor; father of Jeraine Wilson, husband of Dionne, born Leroy Wilson.
Buster the Ugly Dog: Seriously ugly, but awesome dog; adopted by Aden Norsen |
Candace or "Candy" Roper: Daughter of Anjelika; sister to Jill; lesbian; mother to ex-partner’s children.
Charlie Delgado: Stepbrother of Sandy; street kid; drug addict; moved in with Sandy and Aden in Cimarron.
Celia Marlowe: Wife of Sam Lipson; mother of Valerie Lipson and Jacob Marlowe; Delphie’s best friend; died of cancer nine years before Denver Cereal begins.
Chesterfield or Mr. Chesterfield: Rodney Smith’s large black dog, which he was given in prison from the Puppies for Prisoners program; best friend of Jabari.
Cleo: Black and white cat belonging to Sandy; Goddess Asteria, shapeshifter - stuck in cat form since the Titan purge. |
Colin Hargreaves: Brother of Alex, Max and Samantha Hargreaves; Homeland Security Agent; Fey Team member; father of Paddie Hargreaves.
Dale: Boyfriend of Beth Baker, Amelie’s best friend; housemate of Amelie; Handyman who lives with Seth O’Malley.
Delphinium or Delphie: Oracle; beekeeper; master gardener; best friend of Celia Marlowe; partner to Sam Lipson.
Dionne Wilson: Wife of Bumpy Wilson; mother of Jeraine and LaTonya; medical nurse; singer.
Erik Le Monde:
Edith "Edie" the Fairy: Second daughter of Queen Fand and Manannán; sister to the Blue Fairy and Mari the fairy; nanny to Jill and Jacob’s twins; current head of the four fairy nations.
Edith Stiefel: Mother of Wanda. Ex-wife of Erik Le Monde.
Fand, usually Queen Fand: Queen of the Fairies; wife of Manannán; ancestor of Jacob Lipson.
Frankie Aziz: Boyfriend of Wanda Le Monde; videographer of group of rapists; brother of DPD Sergeant Aziz.
Heather Lipson: One of Jillian Roper’s group of best friends; mother to Mack; wife to Blane Lipson; adopting Tink; Hedone, child of Psyche and Eros.
Honey Lipson: Paralyzed; stepdaughter of Sam Lipson; wife of Sergeant MJ Scully; Lives at the Castle and works at Lipson Construction.
Ivan: Russian-born ballet dancer; spent time in a gulag; rescued at request of Seth O'Malley; Sissy Delgado's long time ballet instructor and her life partner.
“Ivy” Anna Marie McDonald Lipson: Street child; friend of Tink and Charlie’s; youngest assaulted in rape case with worst injuries; Delphie’s niece; lives at Castle part-time.
Jabari Wilson: Young son of Jeraine Smith and Annette, a reality television star. Jabari is the biological child of Tanesha through egg donation.
Jacob Marlowe: Son of Sam Lipson and Celia Marlowe; husband of Jillian Roper; brother of Valerie Lipson; president of Lipson Construction; owns his own rehabilitation business; carpenter; hockey player.
Jazmyne: Ex-wife of Candace Roper; mother of Candy's adopted children.
Jeraine Wilson: R&B sensation; husband of Tanesha Smith; son of Bumpy; drug and sex addict.
Jeraine Wilson, Junior: Young son of Jeraine Wilson. He has no interaction with his father.
Jillian or Jill Roper: Daughter of Anjelika and Perses; mother of Katy Roper and twins -- Tanner and Bladen; wife of Jacob Marlowe; ex-wife of Trevor Mc Guinsey.
John Drayson, MD: Vascular surgeons; husband of Alex Hargreaves.
Julie Hargreaves: Mother of Paddie Hargreaves; wife of Colin Hargreaves.
Katy or Katherine Anjelika Roper Marlowe: Daughter of Jillian Roper and Jacob Marlowe.
Leslie Roper: Wife of Steve Roper; mother of Elisa Roper.
Leto or Latona Palio: Titan; Sister of Asteria; Mother of Artemis and Apollo; Principal of the Marlowe School.
Levi Johansen: Won Delphie in a card game when she was 5-6; held her as a slave/The Oracle Tabor; gets out of prison and wants Delphie dead; evil.
Liban: Queen Fand’s twin sister; looks like Cleopatra.
Mack Lipson: Infant son of Heather and Blane Lipson.
Margaret Peaches or Sergeant Margaret Peaches: Fey team member; partner of Sergeant M.J. Scully; niece of Gando Peaches; member of the Diné people.
Manannán: A Celtic sea deity; possibly first ruler of the Isle of Man; husband of Queen Fand; father of Prince Finegal and Princess Marigold and Edith; ancestor of Jacob Lipson
Marco Denver: Helps Jacob with his apartment project; old friend who Jacob found living in the Castle as a teenager.
Maresol Tafoya: Seth O’Malley’s housekeeper; mother of Bonita’s Seth’s second wife; friend of Delphie.
Max Hargreaves: Identical twin to Alex Hargreaves; brother to Colin and Samantha Hargreaves.
Megan Roper: Daughter of Anjelika and Perses; healter; partner of Tim; mother to Ryan and two other boys.
Mikhail "Mike" Roper: Son of Anjelika and Perses; museum quality classic art painter; healer; husband of Valerie Lipson; art mentor to Noelle Norsen; hockey goalie.
Michael Bladen Roper Marlowe: Infant son of Jill and Jacob Roper-Marlowe; identical twin of Tanner.
Mitch Delgado: Sandy’s stepfather who she called ‘Dad’; father of Charlie and Sissy; Seth O’Malley’s best friend; died of lung cancer about 8 or 9 years ago due to sarcoidosis from Vietnam.
M.J. or Sergeant Michael Scully Jr.: Fey team member; partner of Sergeant Margaret Peaches; husband of Honey Lipson.
Molly: Bookkeeper for Jacob Marlowe’s rehabilitation business; wife of Pete.
Nadia Kerminoff, MD ER doctor, head of Kerminoff Industries, a global corporation; ex-lover of Ivan, Russian mother, wealthy American father; “dark arrow” soulmate of Nash Norsen.
Nash Norsen: Son of Aden and Nuala Norsen; brother of Noelle Norsen; “dark arrow” soulmate of Nadia Kerminoff.
Nelson Weeks, MD: A technical analyst in Ava’s Denver Police Department lab; ER doctor; love interest of Blane Lipson; Templar Weapons Master. Current Grandmaster of the Templars.
Noelle Norsen: Daughter of Aden and Nuala Norsen; sister of Nash Norsen; girlfriend of Teddy Jakkman; artist.
Nuala Norsen: Ex-wife of Aden Norsen; addict and alcoholic; biological mother of Nash and Noelle Norsen.
Patrick “Paddie” Hargreaves, Jr.: Best friend of Katy Roper; nephew of Alex and Max Hargreaves; son of Colin Hargreaves; current possessor of the Sword of Truth.
Patty Delgado: Mother of Sissy and Charlie; pretended to be Sandy’s mother; wife of Mitch Delgado.
Pete: Husband of Molly; father of her children; friend of Aden Norsen; co-site manager at Lipson Construction.
Perses: Paid assassin; rescuer, Titan, and biological father of Jillian Roper.
Pierre Semaines: Father of Nelson Weeks; survivor of train bombing; works in missile development; Templar Weapons Master.
Rachel Ann Norsen: Young daughter of Sandy and Aden.
Dr. Robert Parrish aka ‘Blood spatter Bob’: Former expert forensics instructor with the FBI; currently a laboratory technician in Ava’s Denver Police Department lab.
Rodney Smith: Father of Tanesha; imprisoned for 26 years for a murder he didn’t commit; husband of Yvonne Smith; site manager at Lipson Construction.
Ryan: Oldest son of Megan Roper and Tim.
Sam Lipson: Husband to Celia Marlowe; married to Tiffanie Lipson; boyfriend of Delphie; father to Valerie and Jacob Marlowe-Lipson; step-father to Brianna, Becky, Honey and the ‘step-whore.’
Samantha Hargreaves: Sister to Alex, Max and Colin Hargreaves; girlfriend of Art Rasmussen; best friend of Valerie Lipson; mother of Sasha; criminal defense attorney.
Sandy Delgado Norsen: Best friend of Jillian Roper; one of Jill’s group of best friends; wife of Aden Norsen; mother of Rachel Ann; hairdresser.
Sarah: Dog. Yellow Labrador belonging to Jacob Marlowe.
Seth O’Malley: Godfather and biological father of Sandy; best friend of Sandy’s step father; Denver Police Detective; gifted composer and prodigy pianist
Scooter: Dog. Gift from Celia and Delphie to Jillian on her marriage to Trevor McGuinsey; taken care of for last four years by Delphie after Trevor put him up for adoption; Katy’s constant companion. (Deceased)
Stepsister or Stepwhore: Eldest daughter of Tiffanie Lipson; sister to Honey, Briana, and Becky Lipson; step-daughter of Sam Lipson; second wife of Trevor McGuinsey.
Steve or Stephen Roper: Son of Anjelika; middle child of Roper family; medical nurse to Honey Lipson; husband of Leslie.
Sissy Delgado: Stepsister of Sandy; anorexic; talented ballet dancer; currently in Paris studying at the Opéra national de Paris.
Tanesha Smith: One of Jillian Roper’s best friends; wife of Jeraine Wilson; daughter of Rodney and Yvonne Smith; grandchild of Urial; graduate of Morehouse University; medical student at University of Colorado Medical School.
Tanner Handy Roper Marlowe: Infant son of Jill and Jacob Roper Marlowe; identical twin of Michael Bladen.
Teddy Jakkman Son of Fey Team member Captain Zack ‘the Jakker’ Jakkman; best friend of Nash Norsen; dates Noelle Norsen.
Tiffanie Lipson: Second wife of Sam Lipson; mother of Briana, Becky, Honey Lipson, and the stepwhore.
Tink or Tiffanie: Street kid; friend of Charlie Delgado’s; attacked and beaten by gang of rapists, Heather and Blane Lipson’s adopted daughter.
Tim: Partner to Megan Roper; father of Ryan and two other children.
Tres Sierra: Lover of Heather Lipson; CFO at Lipson Construction; brother to Enrique, Blane’s ex-lover.
Trevor Mc Guinsey: Deceased ex-husband of Jillian Roper; assumed father of Katy Roper; fiancé to the step-whore.
Valerie Lipson: Daughter of Sam and Celia Marlowe; brother of Jacob; wife to Mike Roper; soap opera and movie actress; mother of Jackie and Eddie.
Wanda (Wade) Le Monde: Met Sissy at Eating Disorder Inpatient Treatment; transgender child; daughter of Erik and Edith; girlfriend of Frankie Aziz.
Wes or Wesley Kapanski: Hollywood producer; Was engaged to Valerie Lipson at the beginning of Denver Cereal.
Wyn Lipson: Son of Heather and Blane Lipson; “little Greek God.”
Yvonne Smith: Mother of Tanesha Smith; forced into prostitution after her husband was imprisoned; daughter of Ne Ne and Urial.
Zack ‘The Jakker’ Jakkman Father of Teddy, Britanie, and Samuel Jakkman; ‘The pilot’ to Sissy & Charlie; Sandy’s childhood pen pal; friend of Sandy’s.